Oral surgery / dento-alveolar surgery Timisoara
Dento-alveolar surgery is aimed at diseases and traumas of the teeth, oral cavity, face and even the neck and facial bones. These conditions require complex treatment, consisting of several types of dental services. Often before surgery, the oral cavity is cleaned and a series of investigations are carried out to ensure the success of the surgery and the health of the teeth.
Of the inflammatory conditions requiring surgery, the most common are periodontitis, periostitis, osteomyelitis, abscesses and phlegmons. Although many conditions could be treated less invasively at milder stages, there are still people who only see their dentist as a last resort.
Often, dento-alveolar surgery is necessary for such problems as trauma to the oro-maxillo-facial region of different origin, in such cases a series of manipulations are often necessary to restore integrity, correct defects, etc. Besides trauma and a series of dental diseases, there is also a range of defects, which can be surgically removed: wisdom teeth, benign tumours, cysts or granulomas.
Dr. Drăgan Alin
Do you need oral surgery?
Perio Care Clinic Timisoara would be a good choice.