Periodontal treatments / periodontitis treatments Timisoara
'Periodontitis' is the popular term used for a suite of periodontal conditions. Periodontal problems include diseases of the gums and periodontium (periodontal ligament, gums, cementum and alveolar bone).
Usually these conditions present as an aggravation of gingivitis. At the root of these conditions are bacterial plaque build-up and calcified tartar deposits.
A consultation with your periodontist can confirm the presence or absence of periodontal disease. Gingival bleeding is one of the first signs of periodontal problems and should refer the patient to the periodontist. Other signs may be gum recession or inflammation.
Periodontal treatments aim to decrease inflammation of the periodontium (the area around the teeth) and stop the progression of periodontal disease.
Periodontitis / periodontal disease treatment cleanses the subgingival areas of tartar and bacterial biofilm, the primary cause of periodontal disease. Treatment is carried out both mechanically, using specialised instruments, and chemically using antiseptics. All treatments are carried out with local anaesthesia so that they are completely pain-free.
Dr. Drăgan Alin
Do you feel your gums sore? Do they hurt?
You may suffer from periodontitis / periodontal disease.